Create a termbase

Termbases help you to document and share your unique word and expressions in a mulitilingual fashion. When translating with, you can select a termbase and the terms will automatically used during the machine translation.
Termbases are also useful as a single point of truth for the documentation of your technical terms. You can enrich the terminology data by uploading files and enter additional information.

You need to be logged in to create a termbase.

    1. Navigate to your Termbases by clicking on “Termbases” in the top bar
    2. From here, you have two options to create a termbase:
      • Click on “+ Add Termbase” to add a termbase manually
        • Enter the name and optionally a description
        • Click save to create the termbase
      • Click on “Open Termfactory” to create termbases from existing documents or existing termbases with AI
        • Follow this article for more information