Manage a termbase

Navigate to Termbases by clicking on “Termbases” in the top bar

Edit a termbase #

Click on the action “Edit termbase“, on the right side of the termbase of your interest, to display the following options: edit termbase name, edit termbase description and share the termbase with your team.

Manage a termbase #

Select a termbase of your interest to add new term entries, search, delete terms, tag terminology, export termbases and more.

You will be presented with the termbase under two different options which you can select by clicking on “Detail view” at the top right:

Normal view #

The terms are presented in columns, every column is a language as you can see in the example bellow

Detail view #

In the detail view you can add additional information to the terms like the definition, variants, files, etc.

You can create new fields of information adapted to your needs in the selected termbase by clicking on “Fields“, on the right menu column.